3 Reasons Why Working with a Professional Photographer Can Expand Your Brand Visibility
Feb 04, 2020
Have you ever landed on someone’s website and their pictures were so amazing that you parked there? Since they were so amazing, you stayed on the website and began reading about who that person was and what type of business he/she has. I do not know about you, but I have. There is nothing like looking at beautiful, edited, and enhanced pictures on a website.
When you hire a photographer to take professional pictures for you, it takes your brand to another level, it helps you expand your Brand Visibility. It improves and enhances your pictures, which draws more attention to your brand. Since we are living in a season where everyone uses their phones to take pictures, this is normally the go-to, especially with all the apps that are available. This is great for beginners, but if you desire for your photos to have a more professional look and be more distinguished, as well as catch the attention of your ideal audience, I challenge you to hire a professional. Professional pictures enhance your brand, your ideal audience, and the type of business you begin to receive.
There are three reasons why working with a professional photographer can expand your brand visibility, which can lead to more clients and revenue.
The first reason is because it enhances your status. You can tell the difference when you go to a website, social media account, or look at a business card between the person who took the time to invest in quality photos, and the person who did not. A long time ago, a mentor asked me did I want a million-dollar business, or did I want just an average, mediocre-type business. If I wanted a million-dollar business, then I needed to act like I wanted one, and it began with my website, social media sites, and business cards. You want to be known as an industry leader, and I believe it starts with the professionalism of your pictures. You need all your pictures to be high-level. This is a part of your branding. It is branding strategically.
The second reason why working with a professional photographer can expand your brand visibility is because a great photographer comes with a higher price tag. If you invest at a high level in order to expand your business, your clients will do the same. There is a quote by John C. Maxwell that says, “People naturally follow the leaders stronger than themselves.” You want clients who do not mind investing in their business development. When you feature your clients and share their information, the person who goes to their site will see a pattern of consistency from you to your clients because of the professional pictures. You know the saying, “The apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree.”
The third reason why working with a professional photographer can expand your brand visibility is because professionally edited and enhanced pictures can tell someone your story before meeting you. These types of pictures can speak on your behalf just because of how they look. Your ideal client may be looking at different business owners in your industry and playing the comparison game. Who does she want to hire next? When she comes to your website that displays professional pictures, and if the pictures were strategically taken and put together, she can see your personality, how you interact with others, your smile, and your body language . . . all through just looking at the photos. This could be one of the reasons why your ideal client hires you.
These are my top three reasons why working with a professional photographer can expand your brand visibility. These are very important reasons as you enhance and expand your brand.
Are you ready to expand your brand visibility? Let’s schedule a 15-minute Business Chat around what you currently have in place and what is needed in order to expand your brand visibility. Not only do you need a professional photographer, you also need a solid strategy. Remember, there is always a new level to expand to.
Schedule a Discovery Session today.
Shaniece M. Wise, Business Expansion Coach and Strategist