Shaniece’s Business Tips

business Mar 11, 2021
Shaniece’s Business Tips

Being a business owner is not easy! Here are a few things you have to quit doing in order to be successful:

Quit second-guessing yourself. It is very easy to second-guess who you are. You see others in your area of expertise doing well and it causes you to second-guess if you are in the right industry and business. STOP. You are exactly where you need to be! Now is the time to get the help you need to be even better. Invest in a business coach like myself to help take you to your next level.

Quit comparing your gifts. Do not compare your gifts to those of others—especially those that are in the same line of business as you. Many times, people compare their weaknesses to other people’s strengths. That is not a good comparison. God has uniquely gifted you with your gifts. Grow and nurture your gift and be your best YOU. Remember: Do not insult God with comparison.

Quit playing small when you know you were meant to play BIG! Who told you it was okay to play small when we have a BIG God? You have one life to live…live it to the fullest! What makes you UNSTOPPABLE? Use it to your advantage. Charge what you’re worth, write your book, build your million-dollar business. Why not? What do you have to lose?

Are you ready to shift your mindset in 2021! If so, click here to schedule a discovery session today!

Now is the time to stop playing small and allow me to help you be all God desires for you to BE!

Click here to connect with me.

Shaniece M. Wise – Business Expansion Coach & Strategist

Learn how to transform into the CEO you're meant to be, simplify your systems, increase your revenue, and dominate your industry - all while preserving your personal and family time